Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Deepavali Today

I should have been in Chennai right now. That's where the fun is. This place is rather dull. All I did was to wear a new shirt and come to work at 8:30 am. This evening we might go to temple. My wife has made some kind of pista cake, which she claims is good. I am sure it will be. Confusion reigns supreme. Anyways, I am missing the firecrackers, the atmosphere filled with cracker smell and the paper trash that fills the streets. I miss getting up early in the morning, around 4 am, taking an oil bath and starting to fire crackers. I miss those TV programs in the various channels. I miss eating sweets throughout the day. I miss the excitement of wearing the precious new clothes during Deepavali in Chennai. I miss so many things. I don't quite qualify to complain 'cause I have not taken any measures so far to go there during Deepavali. I guess it was not that high of a priority for me, even though I claim it to be. Somehow the atmosphere in Chennai also seems rather dull today. I didn't have any jubilant conversation with my parents or my brother. "What can I do, you please tell me Madam".

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