Sunday, November 12, 2006

the weekend so far

the weekend will come to an end soon. I had to do many things to prepare for our trip to India soon. I recorded about 28 songs from my keyboard. People back home have been asking me to do so. We watched a couple of movies. Borat is #1 this weekend too! that's amazing. We just came back from a "world of opera" concert held in San Diego Symphony Hall. Didn't know that Irwin Jacobs has pledged to donate $100 million to the Copland Symphony foundation. That's a nice gesture ;)

Got something

got something that's really needed on Nov 7th ;)

Monday, November 06, 2006

Nacho Libre, etc

I watched many movies in the weekend - nacho libre, MI3, Motorcycle Dairies, Borat ;) I liked all of them very much. Borat is definitely one of the funniest movies. It's also easily the grossest one I have seen. You can easily take offense to it and easily laugh too. Nacho Libre was exactly like Napoleon Dynamite, not nearly as funny. I really liked the title music. It was very apt. MI3 was an edge of the seat thriller. Very well done. I really liked Motorcycle Dairies until the 2nd half, where it gets philosophical, etc.