Friday, December 30, 2005

Risk Taking

I find that this term has become an often used one, when it comes to advising entrepreneurs or people who want to achieve success. It can be more aptly replaced by "following your passions/heart". In simple words, if you follow your wild dreams, the society will label you as a risk taker. Talking at length about risk taking and its consequences can mean nothing to a person who hasn't identified what he wants to do. He may have identified what he should be doing, but that's not going to take him very far. Name any successful person and I can point out that they were just blind to the world while following their passions and making them a reality. This, in the society's eyes, is definitely "deviating from the norm" and hence "risk taking". The thing is, when you do things that you really like, you won't mind losing money or working long hours without having medical insurance. I acknowledge that this is indeed a hard thing to do in today's world that offers us millions of distractions. But that's what separates a successful person and the one who isn't - following the passions.

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