Saturday, July 22, 2006

What and Why - Photography

I have become very interested in photography. It's another cliche thing to say, but that's the truth for whatever reason. Why would I be interested in photography? Let me think:
  • I used to be an artist when I was a kid - that was probably my childhood talent or inborn talent or whatever you want to call it - the stuff that came to me naturally. For various reasons I had to ditch that art and move on. Photography offers me a very close result - I like to shoot landscapes and stuff now and I feel like an artist.
  • It involves a lot of technical details and effort to come up with a nice photo. Being scientifically inclined, I enjoy this aspect of photography. I like to read about cameras, film, digital sensors and dynamic range, etc.
  • Good pictures that come out are really rewarding - people like it for one and it boosts my self confidence. It gives me a feeling that I have done something above the ordinary - something distinctive.
  • There is a lot more room to improve 'cause I see great pictures everyday and keep refining my benchmarks.
  • It is artistic - the composition, framing, exposure, etc give me a lot of room for creativity. It partly satisfies my creative desires.
  • My perfectionist attitude constantly interferes with the result of the pictures that I take, but I have learnt to 'stop the photo' at interesting places without further refining them.
  • It is again, one more step closer to mother nature. It forces me to spend time on one particular subject without getting distracted by whatever that surrounds it.
  • It is a form of meditation and allows me to focus (apart from focussing the camera).
  • The idea of holding an exhibition or having an online gallery really appeals to me and seems like a somewhat distant goal that I can strive towards.
  • I truly value people's appreciation and comments on my photos and that means a lot to my self confidence.

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