Monday, January 09, 2006

The Doors that surround us

I have come to believe that there are always several doors open for us, or at least one. Mostly, we complain of our miseries and seek solution, but the solution may be right there and we may just fail to recognize what it is. This is a consequence of listening too much to the mind rather than following your intuition. We had dinner at a friends' place yesterday and they were mentioning an incident where they saved a bird. Apparently this bird got trapped under this huge metal enclosure. The enclosure was slightly above the ground on one end through which the bird must have got in. It kept fluttering its wings but was never able to figure the way out. It was only trying to go up and always hitting the metal roof. My friends tried to help the bird. They phoned some authorities to lift the metal stuff, but there was no good response. After a couple of hours, they passed by the same location only to find that the bird was still not freed. Feeling desperate, they somehow mustered up the strength and lifted that metal enclosure to a reasonable height, providing a lot of room in the bottom through which the bird can fly out. Apparently, the bird still didn't realize it was being helped. It still kept flying inside the enclosure. Only after sometime, it realized that there was an opening through which it could get out and it did, promptly. So, the door is always open, but it is expected that we have the knowledge to walk through the door. No one can force us through the door....only we have to choose to walk through it. But we need to have the intelligence to look around for something that may be right in our hands.

This could be a good moral science story in the school curriculum :)

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