Saturday, March 18, 2006

Working Saturday

Today turned out to be like a proper working day, considering that it is a saturday, except that I was fully involved in the music rehearsal. I went to the audi at 8:30 AM and came back home only at 6 PM! That's several hours of music practice. But I am somewhat glad because the songs were kind of coming together. The singers and the other musicians were a little serious today. There was some tension in the beginning but people were understanding. They started singing and paying more attention in the later part of the day. We had a great time. One of the singers' wife also came with their newly born daughter. She was very cute. The baby came to me peacefully and stayed with me for quite some time and didn't want to go to anybody else. I guess it is a different kind of life, when you have a kid. They say "child is the father of a man". I fully believe in it, but I am not sure when I'll be ready. I guess there is no good time or bad time. It just has to happen sometime without too much thoughts.

Ramta Jogi song is coming out very nicely. It came out nice enough to dissolve the skepticism of one of the instrumentalists. Roobaroo needs a little bit more practice. The others are ok. Some of them are very cooperative and I need to extend a special note of thanks to them. I hope things turn out nice in the end. Next weekend, I'll take my bigger keyboard and do some magic with it. It should be much better to practice with the bigger one, except that I don't have the proper cables to connect to the mixer. The guitarist won't be available next saturday though it is supposed to be a formal rehearsal. I guess we won't have much to practice for next weekend. We'll have to do it in the weekdays itself.

The drummer and I share the same philosophies on most aspects. He was hoping that the saturday morning sessions become a regular thing, even after the event is over. I am skeptical about it, but it will be nice indeed. My wife didn't come with me today - I think that was a good decision because a whole day of just sitting and watching us do the same thing over and over again would have definitely been boring to a third person who is not directly involved. In fact, we didn't even have lunch today. I'll have to file my taxes tomorrow. Let us see how that goes. I'll also get to meet my friend. One more weekend will be over in another 24 hours :) I am really waiting for this music event to get over so that I can enjoy my regular weekends. Come summer, you'll find me boogie boarding on the shores of San Diego beaches :)

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