Thursday, December 01, 2005

It's December 1st already!

What kind of a vehicle does Time travel? Must be the fastest in the universe, 'cause you simply can't catch time and hold it still. It's been a year already since so many things! Last december we went to the bay area and to Vegas also. We had just returned from a very hectic three week trip to Chennai. I bought a house around that time. It's been a year man! I can't believe it. How did this year go so fast? Seriously? It's been three years since so many other things! It's almost time to make that New Year resolution. I don't usually make resolutions 'cause I don't wait for the New Year to make resolutions. New year doesn't mark much for me except for the excitement. May be that's what it marks for everyone. Anyways, I just wanted to write something. So there. See you later.

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