Thursday, November 10, 2005


This is something that I have suddenly developed an interest for. It will be a lot of fun to read somebody else's mind or to be able to laugh at somebody else's actions, particularly when they are wrong. What I mean is, the capability to immediately pin point that something will end up wrong if it is begun like this; this person says these things, therefore he could be having such problems, etc. Experienced Psychologists and Psychiatrists (I don't know the difference) must be really special people. I guess if you go to them and start describing your problem, they'll immediately ask you to fast forward 'cause they would have heard it hundreds of times :) And, they'd mostly have the solution for your problems. I think such principles apply to management and entrepreneurship as well. Imagine a guy starting a company knowing exactly what to do and what attitude to have and sense the future of his employess based on their current behavior. I guess this is what people call "organizational behavior". He will be a good manager, if he is able to immediately sense or read his employees' minds. (Disclaimer - you can replace He with She as you like). I would definitely like to read some books on Psychology. I once had a friend who studied Psychology and went ahead and started doing her Ph.D. I have absolutely no idea what she is upto these days.

What do you think about these combinations?:

a) A psychiatrist man and a regular wife
b) A psychiatrist woman and a regular husband
c) A psychiatrist husband and a psychiatrist wife
d) A regular husband and a regular wife

I claim that the least interesting lives will be led by the couples that belong to the category (c) 'cause as Seinfeld says, it is like two magicians trying to entertain each other. One pulls out a rabbit from his/her pocket and the other pulls out a dove! You could have some fun if you are able to read your partner's mind and amuse him/her with your psychiatric skills, but what's the big deal if they're reading your mind when you are reading theirs :) No fun here.....I already know all your tricks baby :)

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